No, I did not get up at an ungodly hour to watch Kate and Willie's wedding. I'm over forty, for God's sake. I did, however, watch Charles and Diana's wedding when I was in, I think, fifth or sixth grade? Live. But I didn't have to get up to go to work the next day.
I woke up at the normal time- late- and so sore from pilates yesterday. I took my first two advil since 2 weeks before surgery. My stupid INR is so desperately low that I just don't care anymore. (Asprin and NSAIDs "thin" the blood, which Coumadin is designed to do, but doesn't seem to work for me very well.)
Work went well- strangely, the kids seem to like all the test practice worksheets I have to inflict upon them. I also assigned an optional at home science fair project- I think it's ridiculous that we have a science fair that includes second graders. We will do a class science project together, but we'll use file folder "boards" instead of the giant ones for the official projects.
After work, I had another INR appointment and surprise, it went DOWN. 1.5 from 1.6 last week. I did miss a dose two days ago, so it's not a huge surprise. Surprise was that Dr. Mike Mc was observing in the AMS clinic. I gave him a hard time... he's cute. I wonder if he's single. I could set him up with a friend. I showed him my Lord Voldemort scars and he said I look much better. I suppose I should- it's been five months and I was SICK when I saw him.
Right now I'm watching the DVR of the royal wedding. Wow- she is darling and I think her new brother-in-law is a hottie. Willie seems so in love with her. The picture below might show the reflection of the bridal couple in my glasses. I'm having oatmeal for dinner.
Jeff and Cam are off at lacrosse at Mira Costa. Cam is hanging out while Jeff's officiating two games. He'll be whooped when he gets home. Tomorrow, he is missing faire since he has SIX games. He'll join us for Bogfest.