Cam's tenth birthday. Ten years. I loved every minute and hated some of them.
Pictures to come. They're on his first digital camera. Repurposed, but still cool when you're ten. He also got a board game and a special Japanese beyblade. (We'll see how long the beyblade lasts. Hopefully longer than the pokemon. No more money is being spent on beyblades.
My mom picked him up for school and ice cream as a surprise. He was a jerk and all he wanted was to go back to school to play with his beyblade. Jerk.
Then we went to the Palm for dinner. He had lobster- he named this one Lloyd. Last year's was Kevin. He unwrapped his gifts- those mentioned above from us, and then another board game from his grandmother and shorts/ rashguard for his trip to the Jersey shore. I hope Ann remembers to take lots of photos (Cam too, since he's got the new camera.)
He got a the beyblade when he woke up. He helped frost cupcakes for his class. Vanilla/vanilla with a sour patch kit. Jeff took him El Pollo Loco for lunch when he took his meds at lunchtime. He was pleased.
Kid is entitled. Spoiled, dare I say.
Ok I hate BeyBlades - they are outrageously expensive and super loud in those ridiculous "stadiums." I REALLY hate the cartoon that goes with them - I seriously could get into the American Dolls or even Barbie Dream houses. I have already informed the boys that they will be giving me grand daughters!
Posted by: Jessi | June 16, 2011 at 07:15 PM
It's a toy phase at my son's school. It was Pokemon, then Magic: The Gathering. He doesn't watch the show and doesn't have a stadium, just a couple of the tops. They're TOPS? What brilliant person took a simple toy like the top and made billions?
I'd love some girly stuff too. My husband is also not very girly- all boy toys for him too.
Posted by: Lisa | June 17, 2011 at 05:32 AM